Assemblies of the Body of Christ (ABC)

Founded on the Word, Led by the Spirit

Our History


ABC church was founded in 1997 by Joshua Trevor and Sarah Aleeta Wong


Apostle Joshua's ministry started in the early 1980's, first as an evangelist, next as a teacher, and then as a pastor of ABC. Today the Ending Days Ministry of ABC has been called by God to teach the Body of Christ how to overcome death, walk in dominion, and be alive and remaining until Jesus' return. In 2023 the day-to-day ministry of the church was transferred to Pastor James Mayes to serve as Senior Pastor along with his wife Pastora Karen who serves as Assistant Pastor. To date, under ABC Ministry a great number of miracles have occurred - the blind seeing, deaf hearing, paralyzed and crippled walking, thousands healed of a myriad of diseases and conditions, even the dead raised. However, that is not the core of our ministry but the overflow.


The core of ABC Ministries is teaching the Body of Christ to live as "overcomers" in these ending days. As a result, ABC provides hours of formal Christian education straight from the Bible on our various thematic websites. These are ABC Bible School, ABC Healing School, ABC School of Dominion, ABC Graduate School, Book of Revelation Made Plain, Rapture Made Plain, Jesus the Christ Made Plain, Living and Not Dying, and Salvation Made Plain.
